Now proudly stocking Hazloc Heaters in Calgary
Hazloc Heaters™ uses AspenTech’s HTFS® (Heat Transfer Fluid Flow Software) for the design and analysis of SRH, HUH, and HHP heaters. AspenTech’s HTFS® software offers state-of-the-art heat exchanger simulation and design based on over 35 years of industry-lead research. With over 400 of the world’s most renowned companies using HTFS® software, you can have confidence in the performance output of our heaters based on your specific input requirements.

XEU1 – Explosion-proof Electric Unit Air Heater for Hazardous Locations
The XEU1 series of explosion-proof electric unit heaters are designed to meet U.S.A. and Canadian certification standards (cCSAus) and the spark-resistant fan assembly is also compliant to AMCA 99, Type B. The three sizes of XEU1 heaters include our ExCaliber™ high performance liquid-to-air heat-exchanger cores that are available in 35 model choices of voltage and heat output combinations to meet your specific hazardous location requirements

XEC1 – Explosion-proof Electric Cabinet Convection Air Heater for Hazardous Locations (suitable for use in Hydrogen gas atmospheres)
All Hazloc Heaters™ XEC1 ProTektor explosion-proof cabinet convection heaters are designed to meet U.S. and Canadian certification standards. The four cabinet sizes of XEC1 convection heaters are available in 119 single-phase and 76 three-phase model choices of voltage, heat output, and Division System temperature class code (T2B or T3A) combinations to meet your specific requirements. Factory built-in options and a selection of electrical enclosures are also available for added convenience and safety.

HHP2 – Hydronic High Performance Heater (Horizontal & Vertical Projection Models)
Our Best Performer! The HHP2 series offers you the highest pressure rating, horizontal and vertical projection types, multiple discharge types, and the most connection type choices of all our hydronic heater models. It is designed for the most rugged industrial applications in steam, hot water, glycol or other fluid circulating heating systems. The HHP2 series is designed for pressures and temperatures up to 450 psi and 550° F respectively. HHP2 heaters include our PerformaCore™ high-performance heat-exchanger cores that are available in 5/8 in. O.D. 16-gauge (0.065 in.) fin tube with single-pass (for steam or fluids and multi-pass configurations (for fluids only) to meet your specific requirements. HHP2 heaters meet ASME requirements with a National CRN.

SRH2 – Steam Rig Heater
The SRH2 series of heat-exchanger unit heaters is designed for steam applications on drilling rigs where boiler neglect can lead to freeze-up conditions. During an accidental freeze-up the SafeDeform™ core headers are designed to accommodate ice expansion. The SRH2 series is designed for pressures up to 150 psig (1034 kPa) in single-pass configurations only. Added benefits include our 18-month heater warranty and our reversible core connection feature that allows you to reverse the configuration of the inlet and outlet connection locations, by rotating the core, to suit your installation. SRH2 heaters meet ASME requirements with a National CRN. Contact us for details!

HUH2 – Hydronic Unit Heater
The HUH2 series of heat-exchanger unit heaters is designed for rugged industrial applications in steam, hot water, glycol or other fluid circulating heating systems. The HUH2 series is designed for pressures and temperatures up to 400 psi and 550 °F respectively in single-pass and multi-pass core configurations with multi-pass units greatly improving performance characteristics when used with liquids. An additional benefit is our reversible core connection feature that allows you to reverse the configuration of the inlet and outlet connection locations, by rotating the core, to suit your installation.

WCH1 – Washdown/Corrosion Resistant Unit Air Heater
The WCH1 Neptune series is designed to meet U.S. and Canadian certification standards. The two housing sizes of WCH1 heaters are available in 78 model choices of voltage and heat output combinations to meet your specific requirements. An optional secondary manual reset overtemperature cutout is also available to meet U.S. Coast Guard requirements. The rugged and versatile WCH1 heater incorporates high quality stainless steel tubular elements, high performance fan and motor assembly, sturdy 16 GA type 304 stainless steel housing and inlet/outlet grilles, and a powder-coated aluminum fan blade. It also includes a large non-metallic control enclosure that won’t rust and which also meets NEMA 4X hosedown requirements.

IEH1 – Industrial Electric Unit Air Heater
The IEH1 Evolution series is designed to meet U.S. and Canadian certification standards. The three housing sizes of IEH1 heaters are available in 76 model choices of voltage and heat output combinations to meet your specific requirements. Numerous factory built-in options are also available for added convenience and safety. The rugged and versatile IEH1 heater incorporates high quality stainless steel tubular elements, high performance fan and motor assembly, and sturdy powder coated 16 GA galvanized steel housing and inlet/outlet grilles. The high air flow and air throw, up to 50 feet (15 m), promote air circulation within the space. Furthermore, the more uniform temperature increases comfort levels and helps eliminate cold spots.

XET1-1-W-N-A – Electronic Remote Mount Explosion-Proof Thermostat for Hazardous Locations (24VAC required) (suitable for use in Hydrogen gas atmospheres)
For hazardous-location air temperature control rely on the Hazloc Heaters™ XET1 ExCaliber™ series of electronic explosion-proof thermostats for the most dependable, accurate, robust and trouble-free service available.

WMB – Wall Mounting Bracket
For use in buildings that have substantial walls. The Z sections provide additional support where necessary.
- Not suitable for model SRH1-30, or HUH1-30.
- When ordering mounting brackets, please specify the type of bracket preferred and the basic model code of the heater to be mounted. Example, PMB-SRH1-16.
- Mounting brackets are made of steel with a black enamel paint finish.
- Structural support of heater and bracket during transit is required.

PMB – Pipe Mounting Bracket
For buildings with insufficient strength to use other types of mounting brackets. Requires 3 in. pipe (3.5 in. O.D., min. Sch. 40, not supplied).
- Not suitable for model SRH1-30, or HUH1-30.
- When ordering mounting brackets, please specify the type of bracket preferred and the basic model code of the heater to be mounted. Example, PMB-SRH1-16.
- Mounting brackets are made of steel with a black enamel paint finish.
- Structural support of heater and bracket during transit is required.

HMB – Hanging Mounting Bracket
Ideal and economical if adequate overhead structure exists. Requires 1/2 in. pipe, cut and threaded (min. Sch. 40, not supplied).
- When ordering mounting brackets, please specify the type of bracket preferred and the basic model code of the heater to be mounted. Example, PMB-SRH1-16.
- Mounting brackets are made of steel with a black enamel paint finish.
- Structural support of heater and bracket during transit is required.

BMB – Basic Mounting Bracket
For applications where the support arm can be bolted or welded directly to structural steel or concrete.
- Not suitable for model SRH1-30, or HUH1-30.
- When ordering mounting brackets, please specify the type of bracket preferred and the basic model code of the heater to be mounted. Example, PMB-SRH1-16.
- Mounting brackets are made of steel with a black enamel paint finish.
- Structural support of heater and bracket during transit is required.