Three Phase Dead Front Transformer

Design Capacities
- Size: 75kVA up to 3000kVA
- Primary Voltage: Up to 34.5kV
- Secondary Voltage: From 120Y/208
- Loop or Radial Feed Configuration
- Built to customer specifications in accordance with CSA C227.4 and C802.1 Energy Efficiency Standards
Standard Accessories and Features
- Tamper proof tank design with bolted cover
- Bay o net & current limiting fuse protection
- Aluminum nameplate engraved
- Pressure relief device
- HV & LV Bushings
- Drain valve with sampling device
- Liquid level indicator
- Thermometer
- Ground Bar and X0 strap
- Parking Stand
- Jacking Steps
- Exterior Finish conforming to ANSI C57.12.28.
Optional Accessories and Features
- Load break switches
- Mechanical interlock of the transformer winding switch and bayonet fuses to prevent removal while the transformer is energized
- Load break inserts complete with dust cap
- Customer stock code and stenciling
- Dual voltage selector switch;
- High voltage of circuit taps
- Surge arrestor elbows
- Additional tests may be requested by the purchaser and shall be performed in accordance to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90
- Permanent and temporary bar coding label in accordance with ANSI/IEEE C57.12.35
- FR3 fire resistant bio degradable insulating fluid LNAN
- High voltage and low voltage barrier between compartments
- Kirk key interlock on cabinet doors
- Secondary Breaker;
- Visual Disconnect Window with Kirk Key Interlocking protection
- Alternative protection devices, specified by the purchaser
Three Phase Live Front Transformer

Design Capacities
- Three Phase: 75kVA up to 3000kVA
- Primary Voltage: Up to 34.5kV
- Secondary Voltage: From 120Y/208
- Loop or Radial Feed Conguration
- Built to customer specications in accordance with CSA C227.5 and C802.1 Energy Eciency Standards
Standard Accessories and Features
- Tamper proof tank design with bolted cover
- High voltage and low voltage barrier between compartments.
- Aluminum nameplate engraved
- Pressure relief device
- HV & LV Bushings
- Drain valve with sampling device
- Liquid level indicator
- Thermometer
- Ground Bar
- Jacking Steps
- Exterior Finish conforming to ANSI C57.12.28.
Optional Accessories and Features
- Internal fusing in accordance with CAN/CSA C227.4
- Customer stock code and stenciling
- Dual voltage selector switch
- High voltage off circuit taps
- High voltage lightning arrestors
- Provision for mounting the purchaser’s lightning arresters and/or additional accessories
- Additional tests may be requested by the purchaser and shall be performed in accordance to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90
- Permanent and/or temporary bar coding label according to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.35
- Purchaser specified impedance limits
- FR3 fire resistant bio degradable insulating fluid LNAN
- High voltage and low voltage barrier between compartments;
- Kirk key interlock on cabinet doors
- Secondary Breaker
- Visual Disconnect Window with Kirk Key Interlocking protection
- Alternative protection devices, specified by the purchaser, that provide equivalent protection
Three Phase Power Transformer

Design Capacities
Three Phase: 500kVA to 10,000kVA
- Primary Voltage: Up to 44kV
Secondary Voltage: Up to 4160V or Step Up to 34.5kV
Built to customer specifications in accordance with CSA C88 M90 and C802.3 Energy Efficiency Standards
Standard Accessories and Features
- Aluminum nameplate engraved
- HV Bushings
- LV Bushings
- Drain valve with sampling device
- Liquid level indicator
- Liquid temperature indicator
- Pressure relief device
- Jacking Steps
- Grounding Pads
- Exterior Finish conforming to ANSI C57.12.28.
- Operating Manual
Optional Accessories and Features
- Tamper proof cabinets
- Custom tank designs
- Custom throats & ducting with aluminum plate access covers
- Winding temperature Indicator
- Pressure vacuum indicator
- Rapid pressure rise relay
- Gas detector relay
- Zero to Three contact options alarms on gauges
- NEMA control box
- High voltage off circuit taps
- Pressure/vacuum bleeder device for sealed tank transformers
- Lightning arresters or provision for mounting
- Fan cooling with automatic controls
- Metering current transformer
- Control box strip heaters
- Removable radiators
- Additional tests may be requested by the purchaser and shall be performed in accordance to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90
- FR3 fire resistant bio degradable insulating fluid LNAN
- Dual voltage selector switch
- Purchaser specified impedance limits
- Alternative protection devices, specified by the purchaser
- Customer stock code and stenciling
Single Phase Pad Mounted Transformer

Design Capacities
- Size: 25kVA up to 500kVA
- Primary Voltage: Up to 34.5kV
- Secondary Voltage: 120/240V
- Built to customer specifications in accordance with CSA C227.3 and C802.1 Energy Efficiency Standards
Standard Accessories and Features
- Bay-o-net & current limiting fuse protection
- Aluminum nameplate engraved
- Pressure relief device
- HV & LV Bushings
- Drain and flling plug
- Grounding Bracket and X0 strap
- Parking Stand
- Exterior Finish conforming to ANSI C57.12.28.
Optional Accessories and Features
- An anticorrosion skirt for high contaminated areas
- Load break switches
- Thermometer
- Liquid Level Gauge
- Provision for padlocking of load break switches
- Stud type or spade type low voltage bushings
- Load break inserts complete with dust cap
- Customer stock code and stenciling
- Bail tabs on the bushing well clamps
- Provision for a remote fault indicator light
- High voltage of circuit taps
- Additional tests may be requested by the purchaser and shall be performed in accordance to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90
- Permanent and/or temporary bar coding label as shown in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.35
- Purchaser specified impedance limits
- FR3 fire resistant bio degradable insulating fluid LNAN
- A non resettable device that detects internal transformer faults, incorporates pressure relief, and provides an external indication
- Alternative protection devices, specified by the purchaser
Single & Three Phase Pole Mounted Transformers

Design Capacities
- Design Capacities
- Size: 25kVA up to 500kVA
- Primary Voltage: Up to 44kV
- Secondary Voltage: From 120Y/208 or Step Up to 27.6kV
- Built to customer specifications in accordance with CSA C2.2 and C802.1 Energy Efficiency Standards
Standard Accessories and Features
- Standard Accessories and Features
- Aluminum nameplate engraved
- Pressure relief device
- HV & LV Bushings
- Surge arrester mounting provision
- Grounding Bracket
- Exterior Finish conforming to ANSI C57.12.28.
Optional Accessories and Features
Surge arrester mounting bracket installed by the manufacturer, with the hardware to be specified by the purchaser
Clamp type low voltage terminals
Stud type or spade type low voltage bushings
Up to four low voltage terminals
High voltage off circuit taps
Tank bottom rim protector
Additional tests may be requested by the purchaser and shall be performed in accordance to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90
Permanent and temporary bar coding label in accordance with ANSI/IEEE C57.12.35
H2 bronze clamp type grounding connector suitable for AWG conductor sizes
Purchaser specified impedance limits
FR3 fire resistant bio degradable insulating fluid LNAN
Customer stock code and stenciling
A non resettable device that detects internal transformer faults, incorporates pressure relief, and provides an external indication visible from the ground
Alternative protection devices, specified by the purchaser
Purchaser specified maximum mass
Single & Three Phase Submersible Transformers

Design Capacities
- Single Phase: 25 to 167kVA
- Three Phase: 150 to 1000kVA
- Primary Voltage: Up to 34.5kV
- Secondary Voltage: From 120/240V or Step Up to 27.6kV
- Built to customer specifications in accordance with CSA 301.1, C301.2 and C802.1 Energy Efficiency Standards
Standard Accessories and Features
- Plastic Nameplate
- HV/LV Bushings
- Grounding Bracket
- Stainless steel tank
- Stainless steel hardware
- Parking Stand
- Lifting Lugs
Optional Accessories and Features
- Dual voltage selector switch
- High voltage off circuit taps
- High voltage fusing devices
- High voltage bushing inserts
- Secondary Breaker
- Under oil surge arresters
- Internal high voltage load break switches
- Alternative protection devices, specified by the purchaser, that provide equivalent protection
- Pressure relief device
- FR3 fire resistant bio degradable insulating fluid LNAN